
Pawrenting Tips for New and Soon-to-Be Pet Owners

Whether you're adopting through a shelter or buying from a breeder, getting a new pet is a lifetime commitment. And this makes pet ownership an intimidating prospect. Luckily, the fear quickly fades away once you've done your research and have prepared yourself for the fulfilling journey of becoming a pawrent. 

So, if you're considering getting a pet, we've compiled a couple of pet parenting tips that'll calm those nerves and help you to finally take the plunge into the joys of pet ownership. 

Know Your Pet 

The whole pet ownership experience is predicated on owners and pets getting along well together. So, it's of the utmost importance that owners know what they're getting into with the pet they're trying to get.  

So, whether you're getting a cat, dog, or any other kind of companion animal, it's essential to understand all their needs. This way, you can plan ahead on how you're going to provide all the necessities in helping them live long and happy lives. 

Research Your Pet's History and Pedigree  

If you're getting your pet through a breeder, visiting the breeder's facilities is one of the best ways to learn about the animal you intend to get. This way, you can monitor the parents for all the hereditary traits that they can pass on their offspring such as their appearance, health challenges, and even their behavioral tendencies. During these visits, you'll also be able to observe your pet with its siblings which can be a good indicator of their sociability. 

During a kennel visit, you should also discern whether the breeder employs ethical breeding standards that involve proper immunizations, nutrition, and socialization. These are all crucial elements that can ensure that the pets you're getting will be able to survive under your care. 

Learn About the Quirks of their Breed 

Another important factor that potential pawrents need to consider is their pet's breed. Unfortunately, most people tend to buy or adopt pets based on their appearance. While it's true that all animals are beautiful, some just look subjectively more appealing to some people while others are not. 

Fortunately, some animal behaviorists have accurately isolated traits that are generally different for each breed. For example, some breeds, like the popular Labrador Retrievers, are generally more energetic and are therefore better suited for people with active lifestyles. So, if you’re not very adventurous, staying clear from a Labrador Retriever might be the wise choice. This way, fur parents-to-be can determine which breed to get depending on their condition. 

Fine Tune Your Pet's Nutrition for their Holistic Wellbeing 

More importantly, each breed has its own nutritional requirements and genetic predispositions. Some dog breeds, for example, suffer from natural imbalances that can affect their holistic wellbeing. Siberian Huskies, for example, are genetically predisposed to autoimmune conditions that can cause hair loss and eye issues. For this reason, it's essential to learn about the potential afflictions that the particular dog that you have your eye on might have. Doing so can give you the foresight to get the proper diet and necessary natural pet supplements such as dog immune boosters. 

Some dogs are also naturally social and yearn for their parent's presence all the time. But unfortunately, many pet parents have to leave their pets to go to the office regularly, resulting in anxiety and, in some cases, depression. For cases like these, furmoms and furdads often use natural pet supplements that tend relieve anxiety such as CBD or other FAAH inhibitors.  

Pet-Proof Your Home 

Once you've learned enough about your pet and have decided to bring them home, the next thing you're going to want to do is to ensure that your home is ready for its new furry resident. So, here are a couple of tips on how to dog proof your home that'll make the transition to pet ownership much easier: 

  • Block the gaps between furniture and appliances that your pet can get stuck behind. 
  • Remove breakable furniture from the floor, such as vases and lamps. Ensure that open fireplaces are blocked off by a screen. 
  • Seal off potential exit points accessible to pets, such as doors and windows. 
  • Place cleaning fluids, detergents, and other hazardous materials in a cupboard that your pets can't access. 
  • Hide exposed wires and cables that they can either chew or get tangled on. 
  • Ensure that housemates and family members are on the same page when it comes to raising your pet. 

Set Routines That Will Benefit Your Pet's Holistic Growth 

Pets thrive on routine and repetition, so you may want to craft a general schedule that will accommodate your needs and theirs. Typically, fur parents have set routines with their pets, such as predictable feeding, walking, and training programs. 

Dogs are especially social creatures, so schedule regular play dates or trips to the dog park. It can go a long way in sustaining their mental, social, and physical growth. 

However, be careful when taking your dog out for socialization, as there are a ton of harmful pathogens that might be lurking in your neighborhood. First of all, make sure that they have all their immunizations before letting them out of the house. Secondly, learn about the typical dog parasites and allergens present in the dog park and its environs. Then, take the necessary preventive measures, such as natural pet supplements.  

Know that there may be ticks and mites in your area? Beta-glucan supplements, which are natural dog immune boosters, maybe the best first step towards preventing unnecessary infections.

Establish a Support System 

No matter how hard you try, you probably can't do everything for your pet. Spaying and neutering procedures, for example, should only be done by a licensed veterinarian. So, it's crucial to establish a support system that you can depend on for tasks requiring medical expertise or for chores that you're just too busy to do. 

One of the most crucial relationships you need to establish as a pet parent is with your trusted veterinarian. They're especially critical during medical emergencies. So, don't skip your pet's vet checkups, as having your pet's medical history on file can help vets make the right call when unfortunate events do occur. 

Another vital member of your pet support system is a pet sitter, walker, or daycare. These helpful services can provide exercise or socialization when you're too busy to do it. 

Enjoy Your Fur Baby's Company! 

Sometimes, we can overthink things. For example, we tend to worry about whether we're giving our beloved pets the life they deserve or whether we're giving them the right supplements. 

However, in worrying about these things, we may forget the most crucial part of pet ownership: having fun with our little fur babies. So, after doing your research on responsible pet ownership, close all those tabs and put down all those books and just have a blast with your new pet.