3 Useful Tips on Taking Care of Our Pet’s Eye Health | Alchemypet
Pets rely on their sense of smell for various activities, from finding dog-friendly treats to identifying their humans. However, their sense of sight is also extremely vital for their quality of life. They use their vision to navigate their environments, communicate with other animals, and even express emotions. For example, a dog may raise its eyebrows when it sees something it doesn’t recognize, which is a sign of curiosity. Or a cat may narrow its eyes when it’s feeling threatened. It’s understandable, therefore, that there are a variety of eye vitamins already on the market looking to improve our pet’s overall eye health and not just their eyesight.
Potential Causes
Unfortunately, eye problems are relatively common in pets and can often lead to discomfort and a significantly reduced quality of life. Exposure to chlorinated pool water and saltwater, for example, can cause problems for pets with sensitive eyes. Climate and humidity may also cause fungal infections in the eyes called blastomycosis. However, some causes, such as genetics and aging, may be more problematic and difficult to remedy. Some breeds may even be more susceptible to certain conditions than others. English Bulldogs, American Cocker Spaniel, Shih Tzu, Bloodhound, Boston Terrier, and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel are just a few of the most common breeds with a genetic predisposition to develop dry eyes or Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca (KCS) in dogs. For these reasons, it’s crucial to be proactive in maintaining our pet’s eye health.
Some simple things we can do to help keep our pet’s eyes healthy include cleaning their eyes regularly with a damp cloth; feeding them a nutritious diet rich in eye vitamins; and taking them for regular check-ups with the veterinarian. By taking these simple steps, we can help ensure that our pets don’t unnecessarily suffer from impaired vision or blindness.
Symptoms of Eye Health Issues
One common symptom is a cloudy appearance to the eye, which can be caused by several different conditions, such as dry eye, macular degeneration, and degeneration, and glaucoma. Another is reddening of the eyes, which can indicate irritation caused by exposure to harmful substances. If your dog seems to be rubbing or bumping into objects more often than usual, this could also be a sign of poor vision.
If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s essential to take your dog to the vet for an examination. With proper guidance, you may just be able to resolve the problem.
So, if you’re worried about your pet’s eyesight, we rounded up some of the best tips for improving their eye health so you can have an idea on what you can add to your regimen.
Regular maintenance is key.
One of the most effective ways to improve our pet’s eye health is to prevent issues from occurring in the first place. This entails extra maintenance work that includes periodically cleaning their eyes with a specially formulated rinse and regularly trimming the hair around their eyes.
Furthermore, always check for debris and other foreign contaminants in and around their eyes to prevent it from causing further problems. Rheum which you may know as eye goop, for example, may seem inconsequential at first, but neglecting to take them out can make pets more prone to bacterial infections. A simple wipe-down with a damp cloth over these areas should do the trick.
Support their nutrition with eye vitamins.
While clearing our furry friend’s eyes from debris can already go a long way in improving their eye health, a more long-lasting approach would be to give them a holistic approach to nutrition that includes eye health on the agenda. For example, meso-zeaxanthin, zeaxanthin, and lutein are common nutrients found in eye vitamins for dogs specifically designed to prevent and remedy eye health issues. These substances are potent antioxidants that fight harmful free radicals. And since they’re predominantly concentrated in the macula, the Journal of Nutritional Science published an article that suggests they can help prevent or at least prolong the onset of age-related and hereditary macular degeneration.
Use gentle products.
Unfortunately, eye vitamins can only go so far in keeping eyes healthy if they’re constantly exposed to harsh elements. Shampoos and other maintenance products are the common culprits in this regard.
While it’s important to keep our pets clean and smelling fresh, we need to be mindful of the products we use to clean them. For example, many shampoos and soaps contain chemicals that can irritate their eyes. Furthermore, there are also certain compounds in cleaning essentials we use for our home that may cause eye health issues, such as air fresheners and fabric conditioners.
Wrapping Things Up
While pets, especially dogs, are not typically known for their eyesight, it’s still one of their most important senses. It’s not only critical for seeing; it also plays a huge role in communicating their emotions with their humans. It’s crucial, therefore, that we protect their eye health.
Fortunately, protecting our pet’s eye health isn’t difficult or unnecessarily expensive. Just regularly checking them out and cleaning can already go a long way.
And if in case eye issues persist, there are plenty of eye vitamins like lutein, bilberry extract, zeaxanthin ,zeaxanthin, and mesoand meso-zeaxanthin already on the market. They help protect the eyes from cataracts, macular degeneration, and blindness. Lutein is also especially beneficial because it absorbs harmful UV rays that can damage the retina. And for a more holistic approach, C60 or the fullerene molecules and astaxanthin may also be used. These ingredients are both powerful antioxidants that can help prevent eye irritation.
Although we can’t prevent every possible eye issue, by being proactive and knowing the risks, we can help keep our dogs’ eyes healthy. By following these tips, you can help protect your dog’s vision and keep them seeing clearly for years to come.
For educational purposes. No product claims implied.